Monday, December 3, 2012

Thing 19 - Other Social Networks

TeacherPop is a social network that allows both future and current teachers to interact and share ideas. At the moment it appears that traffic is limited - as of now the traffic seems to consist of students creating profiles to fulfill the requirements of this assignment. If it reaches the point at which it becomes a thriving community it would be of substantial benefit to us as educators.

As mentioned in the previous post, I do have a Facebook page. Other than that and my pending application to join TeacherPop I haven't been very active in social media thus far. After exploring a few of the social networks provided to us I'm pretty sure my answer on that front isn't going to change. I've been to sites like Yelp! previously in order to get restaurant reviews in the Clarksville/Nashville area, but I have little to no desire to sign up for an account and post my own views. Other networks like the Classroom 2.0 Ning can be of substantial benefit, but it is more likely that I would browse for information as needed rather than join and become part of their online community.

Visit TeacherPop

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