Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thing 9 - Image Generators

I spent a few minutes searching around the different generator websites, attempting to find something I could use. The first image I generated came from the Comic Strip Generator. I found a picture of a caveman who invented the wheel and thought that no one actually knows who invented the wheel. His optimism for glory will not be found in the history. The second image I generated came from the Happy Face Generator. I thought about grading in school and the different teachers who said that we should be thankful that they don't grade on a true curve. Once I gathered an understanding of statistics I realized how true that is.

I'm not sure if I'll ever use this image generators for personal use. I feel I extinguished all the creativity I could muster on them today. They may have applications for sprucing up PowerPoint presentations either in the classes that we have now, or when we are making notes for the students to view in our classrooms. A little humor never hurt anyone I suppose.

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