Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thing 4 - Commenting on Blogs

Commenting is important on blogs because it allows for the development and sharing of ideas. Through the use of the comment section, readers can add their thoughts at the bottom of the blogger's post. While in the comment section, readers can debate and discuss with one another or the original author if the author chooses to be active. The Cool Cat Teacher Blog made an interesting point that relationships can be created just by having readers comment interesting points or counterpoints to the original post. If the commenter has a blog of her own, then the original blogger can read that blog and leave thoughtful, meaningful comments as well, thus keeping the cycle running.

One of the points I found to be important came from the Blue Skunk Blog. The point the author made was that when people write online, they enjoy knowing that others read and care about what they have written. You don't have to be a blogger for this to be true. Even on Facebook, there is a sense of satisfaction when someone comments on one of your posts, even if that post was not necessarily directed at that person. I assume it will be no different on this assignment as well considering we have to post comments on five of our classmates blogs. I'd appreciate a comment, and I'm sure if anyone else actually reads this they would probably appreciate one as well.

The other important point I found came from the Cool Cat Teacher Blog. The point the blogger made was don't be afraid to comment. I'm fairly certain that before today I have never commented on a blog. I've read plenty of them in the past, but I've never actually attempted to contribute to the discussion. Now it may not be fear as much as it is reluctance to put my thoughts out there, but the end result is ultimately the same. Perhaps nothing will come of a comment - it may be one of a thousand comments that get lost in the shuffle. However there is a chance that someone may read it and have something meaningful to add in response. You never know until you try I suppose.

The "23 things" blogs I decided to comment on were the Adventures in Learning blog, the LearnLiveMoore blog, Crane's US HIST-tech experience blog, frankE's blog, and the Samples of Learning blog. I chose those blogs because after I read them I found interesting points from them that I wanted to acknowledge. I tried to explain why I agreed with the point I referenced, and in the case of the Adventures in Learning blog, I appreciated the flashback to my old middle school social studies class.

The two blogs outside of our classroom I decided to comment on were the Major League Bastian blog, a blog written by the Cleveland Indians beat writer from, and Men of the Scarlet and Gray blog, a blog on Ohio State athletics. I chose those blogs because I'm a fan of the teams the blogs cover, and I felt I had relevant opinions that I could add to the discussions that were going on there. The comments I made dealt with my frustrations with the Indians this year, and my questioning the blogger about his positioning of the Northwestern football team in his rankings.

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