Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thing 1 - 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners

After viewing the 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners it was clear that there were a few habits that have or will come easily to me, and that there are some habits that will require more learning and/or understanding. The habit among the 7 1/2 that I believe is the easiest for me is #4 which is to have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner. Throughout my life I've always had confidence in my ability to learn, especially in math or logic based areas. It may sound a tad arrogant, but in a lot of areas I believe that if other people can figure something out and understand it, then I definitely can as well.

The habit I believe will be the hardest to implement is #5 - to create your own learning toolbox. As of right now, if I was asked to describe the contents of my learning toolbox I would probably stutter and stammer around, reluctantly choose my brain as one of the contents and then draw a total blank. The title of the habit seems rather vague. What is a learning toolbox and what should I include in it? I suppose the key word in the name of the habit is 'own.' Apparently we all have unique tools in our toolbox, and we choose these tools based on what works best for us in the learning process. I still have a long way to go before I'll be able to accurately state what belongs in my learning toolbox.

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