Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thing 2 - Why This Blog Looks Like it Does

My experience creating this blog was enjoyable. I had never created a blog before so this was new to me, but most of the process was self-explanatory and I tried to keep it as basic as possible for now. Perhaps in a few months there will be a bunch of bells and whistles on this page, but for now I'm going to keep it basic.

My posting name took all the creativity I could muster. I merely took the front part of my personal email address and made it my user name. The title of my blog is a little less obvious, but no less creative. I just took my nickname and put the word "thoughts" right next to it. After all, this will be "Cleanup's Thoughts", and I figured it was a little more inspired than my original title which was "Chris Carroll's blog". Like I said, I was feeling very creative when I came up with this.

I attempted to make my avatar look like me, although I will admit it was tempting to give it a handlebar mustache or something equally crazy. I gave it red hair, made it a little unkempt, and then put some clothes on it. In order to make my avatar more unique I gave it a baseball and bat since baseball is my favorite sport and I figured I should give some allusion towards that.

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