Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thing 15 - The Wide World of Wikis

I am a big fan of several different wikis on the Internet. I think it's pretty awesome that there are wikis devoted to several different subjects and non-academic hobbies like video games. The most famous wiki of all is Wikipedia, and I'd imagine that everyone in our class has looked up at least one article on Wikipedia. Personally I can spend up to an hour just reading about different articles on the site. For example, I may see an article on the front page about some event in World War II. From there I may see another link within that article of something else I'm interested in and then open up another tab on my browser. By the end, it is not uncommon for me to have six or more tabs open from various articles I cared to learn more about. Although the productivity of doing this could be argued, I find that it's an easy way to let an hour or so go on by.

I'm not sure how I would use a wiki of my own creation. Being that my goal is to be a mathematics teacher, I'm not sure how it could work in the classroom, unless there was an assignment about the history of a famous mathematician and I wanted the class to upload their articles onto a classroom wiki. That doesn't mean there couldn't be use for third party wikis, although a couple of the math ones I looked at seemed to be incomplete. Perhaps in a couple of years they will have enough content to prove useful in the classroom.

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